Lions Prepare For Upcoming Year
By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
GRAPELAND – The Grapeland Noon Lions Club met in their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16 and began to – pardon the pun – lion (line) things out for the upcoming year.
After the minutes and financial reports had been given and approved, Club President Ben Childress moved the club into a discussion of old business.
He expressed his appreciation to those who had provided their assistance in helping to repair the seesaws in the Grapeland City Park. Another work day also was planned to continue with the club’s efforts to help rejuvenate the park.
As the meeting continued, Childress reported the bleachers at the Little League field were in the process of being repaired and painted.
Changing gears somewhat, the next matter of business pertained to establishing a committee to nominate club officers. The committee members are Mike Goolsby, Lloyd Peterson, Bob Jones and Wayne Kaminsky.
A second committee open for discussion was the scholarship committee. The members of the committee are Eddie Childress, Glenda Christ, Lynn Elliott, Gregg Spivey and Will Johnson.
After the committee assignments had been agreed upon, Childress opened a discussion about the Lions Annual Golf Tournament. The tournament will be held on the weekend of May 13. The committee in charge of the golf tournament will be comprised of Frank Chapman, Mike Goolsby, Allen Cheatham, Eddie Childress, Wayne Langham and Laura Walling.
Before the meeting was turned over to the guest speaker, Mike Goolsby gave a brief overview of the workday scheduled at the Lions Camp in Kerrville and asked those who could make the trip to please mark the date on their calendars.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].