HCFA Begins to Eye 2018 Fair Plans
By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
HOUSTON COUNTY – The Houston County Fair Association (HCFA) is already busily preparing for the 2018 Houston County Fair and Youth Livestock Show and continued that process during their monthly meeting held on Wednesday, Aug. 9.
Following the approval of the minutes and financial reports provided by Asst. Secretary/Treasurer Rhonda Flasowski, the first order of business was an update on sale income.
President Scott Moore indicated the current outstanding balance due to the HCFA for the 2017 fair was $4,381.60 and from the 2016 fair, the balance was $310.
The next item pertained to the usage of the Ag Arena and Civic Center.
“The Ag Arena and the Civic Center have been contacted about the correct dates of the fair. When we moved the fair dates, we were able to get those dates. When I called them back to see about the original dates because the TEA (Texas Education Agency) moved the dates because of (STAAR) testing, we were able to get them. It is locked in from April 2 through April 7,” Moore said.
As he continued, he said the HCFA would need to find a new chairman for the steer show. Moore explained the current chairman, Jack Patton, had several business matters which would prevent him from doing an effective job.
Several suggestions to replace Patton were mentioned but no action was taken on the matter.
The next area of business discussed was the scheduling of the fair events. In past years, the different events had been juggled to accommodate FFA events. With no scheduling conflicts currently known, the association approved keeping the order of events and the times when each event would start the same as in 2017.
As the meeting continued, validation dates were discussed for various animal entries. It was decided the replacement heifer/steer validation would be held on Oct. 21 between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. at the Crockett Animal Hospital.
The hog, goat and lamb validations will be held on Dec. 7 between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m.
The next meeting of the HCFA will be held on Sept. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at the Houston County Electric Co-Op Meeting Room.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].