
Ho. Co. Commissioners Court Closes Out 2021

By Will Johnson

Messenger Reporter

HOUSTON COUNTY – The Houston County Commissioners Court convened for the final time in 2021 on Tuesday, Dec. 28 in a relatively brief meeting.

The meeting was called to order shortly after 9 am by County Judge Jim Lovell and with no public comments, the court moved quickly into the agenda items.

After disposing of several routine matters, an agenda item to approve an agreement with TLO – an investigative resource for law enforcement – was approved. The monthly cost to the county will be $110.

The next item considered by the court pertained to the approval of Hotel Occupancy Tax funds for the Piney Woods Fine Arts Association (PWFAA). The PWFAA had requested $1,000 in funding for the promotion of the Lone Star concert to be held on Jan. 22 and $1,000 for the promotion of the Swingin’ Axes Jazz Band concert to be held on Feb. 24. Both items were unanimously approved.

Following the PWFAA discussion, the commissioners approved a measure to purchase a hangar at the Houston County Airport from Mark Whitfill. The hangar will be used as a storage facility for the county and an inventory facility.

The final agenda item brought forward concerned the transfer of deeds between the city of Crockett and Houston County. After several minutes of discussion, the court took no action on the matter.  

 In other matters brought before the court:  

  • The commissioners approved the minutes from previous meetings.
  • Budget amendments were approved.  
  • The payment of bills and expenses incurred by the county were approved.
  • The Houston County Treasurer’s and Compensatory Reports were received as information by the commissioners.  
  • Salaries for new and/or transfer employees were approved. Carl Johnson was approved as the county’s Facilities Administrator.

Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].

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