Commissioners, HCHD Reach Agreement on Ambulance Reimbursement

By Will Johnson

Messenger Reporter

HOUSTON COUNTY – An agreement has been reached between the Houston County Hospital District (HCHD) and the Houston County Commissioners Court pertaining to the reimbursement of ambulance fees.

The reimbursement agreement helps puts another chapter in the Little River/Timberlands Healthcare saga to bed.

When Timberlands first opened in the county during 2015, an agreement between the healthcare provider and Lifeguard Ambulance Service was put in place where Timberlands agreed to pay the ambulance provider just under $250,000 per year in monthly increments of $20,416.

However, when Timberlands abruptly pulled out of Houston County, they left the HCHD in a lurch. The Houston County Commissioners stepped in and agreed to cover the subsidy for several months until the HCHD came up with a solution.

Eventually, once the HCHD had regained a financial foothold, the county came calling and asked for reimbursement for the ambulance subsidies. The HCHD had several discussions on the matter in recent meetings and came up with a plan to pay back the money owed to the county. 

During a meeting of the commissioners held on May 11, an agreement was reached.

Following an executive session, County Judge Jim Lovell made a motion to “… accept partial reimbursement of $150,000, payable by May 24, 2021 – which is saving the hospital district $24,168.48.”

The motion was unanimously approved.

HCHD Board Member Dina Pipes informed the court the HCHD board would be meeting on Tuesday May 18 to formally accept the negotiated settlement.  

In other matters brought before the court:  

  • The commissioners approved the minutes from previous meetings.
  • Budget amendments were approved by the court.  
  • The payment of bills and expenses incurred by the county, were approved.
  • The Houston County Environmental and Community Service Reports were received as information by the court.
  • The court approved salaries for new and/or transfer employees.
  • A proclamation declaring May as Elder Abuse Prevention Awareness Month was adopted by the court.
  • A mutual aid assistance agreement with the Nacogdoches Police Department was approved.

Will Johnson may be reached via e-mail at [email protected].

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