Grapeland ISD Adopts Changes to Dress Code
By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
GRAPELAND – Grapeland ISD will see a somewhat new look when the 2019-2020 school year begins as several changes to the Secondary Dress Code were approved during a regularly scheduled meeting of the GISD Board of Trustees held on Thursday, May 30.
“I have shown you the specifics,” GISD Superintendent Don Jackson said to the board members, “and I would appreciate it if y’all would consider the changes.”
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to change the secondary dress code for the 2019-2020 school year.
The changes include:
- Boys’ hair cannot touch the bottom of the shirt collar, extend below the eyebrows or below ear lobes, including sideburns.
- No hair dye of an unnatural color.
- No hats, headbands, hoods, do rags or bandanas are allowed on school campuses during the school day between 7:30 am and 3:45 pm.
- No trench coats may be worn at any time.
- No unrepaired holes or tears in pants or any other clothing. Any small hole or frayed area must be repaired with a permanent patch. Undergarments will not be considered appropriate to cover the holes.
- All pants and shorts must be hemmed.
- Original mesh athletic shorts and original sweat pants are not allowed.
- All shorts or tops must be at fingertip length when standing straight up.
- Tights are allowed, if they are not see through and the top must be at fingertip length.
- Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times, not house shoes, flip flops, jandals, crocs, crocks or shower shoes.
- Knives may not be visibly worn in holsters attached to the belt.
- Pajama pants and sleep wear is disallowed.
- Cell phones are only to be used before school, at a student’s assigned lunch in the commons area or after the dismissal bell (only HS students may use a cell phone at lunch).
- Cell phones must not be visible or audible outside of the times allowed.
- Headphones are not to be worn on campus during school hours except for HS students at lunch.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].