Luker Appointed to DETCOG Law Enforcement Committee

By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
HOUSTON COUNTY – Precinct One Constable Morris Luker was recently appointed to the Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG) Law Enforcement Committee.
Earlier this week, Luker spoke about how his appointment came to be.
“I asked the DETCOG Commission – (Houston County Attorney) Daphne Session – to appoint me to the law enforcement committee,” Luker said.
In addition to her role as County Attorney, Session is the President of the DETCOG Board of Directors.
“They have police officers. They have juvenile probation, adult probation, sheriffs’ offices but they don’t have a whole lot of representation from constables’ offices,” he said.
Luker explained when Session became the DETCOG President “… she named me to the Criminal Justice Board. Now, (DETCOG Executive Director) Lonnie Hunt is trying to get me appointed to the Environmental Board because of the environmental stuff I do for Houston County.”
The constable explained he wanted to bring representation from constable offices throughout the DETCOG region to the committee.
As he continued, Luker said one of the main functions of the law enforcement committee is to look at grants available to the 12 counties served by DETCOG.
“We will sit there and look at these grant applications from the criminal justice centers to go buy vests, a K-9, and drug interdiction measures. Is there indeed a need for this? Yes, there will be a need, but do they have enough city/county resources which can help offset this or maybe a matching grant to help get this secured,” Luker said.
“We help distribute DETCOG money that is allotted for criminal justice. It might be a salary or part of a salary for a criminal investigator in a county attorney or district attorney’s office. It might be a dog. We also get a lot of equipment from the federal government,” he added.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].