CEIDC Adopts City of Crockett’s Employee Handbook

By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
CROCKETT – The Crockett Economic and Industrial Development Corporation (CEIDC) Board of Directors adopted the City of Crockett’s personnel policy during a meeting held on Monday, May 15.
After opening the meeting, CEIDC Board President Ansel Bradshaw provided the board members in attendance with a brief background on the matter as the meeting got underway.
“The CEIDC has its own budget. That budget is funded once a month by tax dollars from the citizens of Crockett. The employees of the CEIDC are comprised of two employees, an executive director and an administrative assistant. Those two individuals are paid twice a month and they are administered by the City of Crockett,” Bradshaw said.
He explained the CEIDC payroll checks would no longer be handwritten and would now use a system where the salaries earned by the two CEIDC employees would be electronically transferred/deposited into the employees’ bank account.
Following the brief explanation, Bradshaw opened the floor for discussion. A question was asked in the CEIDC employees were employees of the City of Crockett and Bradshaw explained that the CEIDC employees were their own entity and under the direction of the CEIDC board. He added, however, they fell under the guidelines of the city’s payroll policies.
“We (the CEIDC board) govern and provide guidance, when necessary, to the (CEIDC) employees but there is not currently a personnel policy in place,” Bradshaw said. “It has been brought to my attention – and recommended by City Attorney Bill Pemberton – that we should get this put in place so the employees would fall under it.”
By adopting the policy, the CEIDC board president expressed it would allow CEIDC employees to properly receive their wages, receive health and other benefits available to city employees.
A question concerning the adoption of the entire employee handbook was raised and based on the city attorney’s recommendation, Bradshaw explained the entire handbook should be adopted. He did stress if the board felt it necessary, they could add to or subtract from the handbook as needed.
“Right now, there is nothing in place which covers the many different areas. That is what the city attorney said. It’s just an opinion, but we have the right to choose whatever we choose to do,” he said.
Bradshaw further explained the day-to-day operations of the CEIDC would not change and added the adoption of the employee handbook merely formalized the employee/employer relationship.
A motion was made and seconded to adopt the employee handbook in its entirety and was approved by unanimous consent.
The next item of business concerned requiring CEIDC employees who handle funds for the corporation to be bonded.
CEIDC Executive Director reported he had consulted with several sources and also with the city attorney and felt it was a valid suggestion. The motion was approved by unanimous consent.
The CEIDC board retired into executive session at 11:30 a.m. and emerged from behind closed doors at 11:50 a.m.
Once the open portion of the meeting resumed, Bradshaw addressed those in attendance.
“The CEIDC executive director has assured the board that by 10 a.m. on Wednesday morning (May 17) all personnel paperwork that needs to be completed with the City of Crockett will be done,” he said.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Will Johnson may be reached via e-mail at [email protected].