
Crockett City Receives Glowing Financial Audit

By Greg Ritchie

Messenger Reporter

CROCKETT – There were big decisions set for the Crockett City Council meeting Monday, Mar. 18, among them receiving the official financial audits for both the city and Crockett Economic and Industrial Development Corporation. (CEIDC) City Administrator John Angerstein, Crockett Police Department (CPD) Chief Clayton Smith and Crockett Fire Department (CFD) Chief Jason Frizzell all faced their annual performance reviews and votes whether or not to renew their contracts. 

Molly Abele, from Axley and Rode Certified Public Accountants LLP presented the financial audit, giving their highest opinion of the information received, showing the operating accounts, liabilities and assets of the city. State reporting showed the city’s liabilities increased by about $1.7 million, while the pension rate varied slightly, which is normal, as this is based on employee fluctuation. 

There was a $6 million debt issued last year, which is a debt to be paid over several years. Total city revenues increased slightly, about $200,000, with the majority coming from property taxes and sales taxes. The city spending was also slightly above the previous year, but under the city’s projected budget. 

The information regarding CEIDC was regarded as being presented fully and fairly, as revenues tied to sales tax increased slightly and expenditures were affected by increased legal fees. The overall change in CEIDC’s financial situation was a little over $100,000, a small variance. 

Council members continued to study the lengthy report as the city came out looking in good financial shape, after a tough year dealing with CEIDC and many infrastructure projects. 

Smith presented his report regarding the police department, noting 60 arrests in February, with 485 traffic stops and 12 tickets issued. CFD’s Frizzell told the council his department responded to 25 calls in the city, with only one structure fire and another nine assists within the county. 

Council approved seeking grant money to renew the sidewalks along Goliad Street in downtown Crockett, before the council went into a lengthy executive session to discuss the performance reviews for Angerstein, Smith and Frizzell. 

As these are closed parts of the meeting where the council can speak freely, there was no word on what was discussed, but when council reconvened, the vote was unanimous to extend the contracts for all three, giving them a well-deserved boost of confidence to continue doing their work for the city. 

Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]

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