Crockett Library Offers Books and More in September Sale

By Greg Ritchie
Messenger Reporter
CROCKETT – For bookworms, collectors or those looking for the perfect present to get the younger ones excited about reading, the Crockett Public Library is holding its annual book sale all through the month of September, with deals on not only hard- and paperbacks, but DVD’s and odds and ends of all kinds.
Library Director Judy Scott told The Messenger the idea is replace materials with low circulation to give the public some inexpensive options to expand their home libraries and to make way for new collections.
“Periodically throughout the year, we weed out books that in our library that have not circulated in the last three to five years,” Scott said. “Sometimes, we find a book our donation is already in the library, or the donation is better than the one we have on the shelf.”
Hardbacks and soft-cover books are $1 each, with paperbacks and children’s books going for 25 cents or five for $1 and $1 DVD’s for collectors, as well. Eventually there will be offers of a bag of books for a dollar or even a box of books. The library has other items, too it has found it can live without, so it’s a book and rummage sale rolled into one.
The library collected around $1,700 last year and hopes to beat that number this year, with the money going to fund ongoing library projects. Scott said the library is open to any offers, so don’t be shy.
With the end of summer, some library programs have come to a close for the year, although Scott said there are still a lot of things going on at your local library.
“We do still have a small population of kids coming in because we still serve the homeschool kids so we have a group of moms who come in once or twice a week and there are always crafts here for the kids,” Scott said. “Our bookmobile is still going out to the nursing home senior citizens centers. Our bookmobile will be participating in the Hispanic Heritage Festival in Davy Crockett Park this weekend, too.”
The Crockett Public Library is open every day except Friday, with exact hours varying during the week. Visit them at 709 East Houston Ave. in Crockett or call 936-544-3089.
Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]