Slocum Lady Mustangs Softball Coach’s Show

By Greg Ritchie
Messenger Reporter
SLOCUM – Before the recent playoff games, The Messenger was able to catch up with Coach David Ives and some of the players who have worked so hard to get the team this far. Please click on the link below to see the full video interview, sponsored by Hargrove-Neel Heating and Air in Crockett.
Coach David Ives
What do you think has been going so well this season for the Lady Mustangs?
“We got a late start because of basketball, as several of the girls play basketball so we got them a little later. We had already played a tournament and a few games without them, so basically, once we got everyone in, we played in another tournament, and then it was just getting used to each other. We have some new freshmen that have stepped up and we have some sophomores that are playing. We had some injuries so we had to move some people around and do some different things. I think part of the success is just coming together at the right time – that’s a big part of it.”
What are your thoughts going into the series against D’Hanis?
“They’re defending state champs, they’re very well coached and they are going to hit the ball. We have to go play – if we show up and play and do what we can do, I think we have a good shot. This time of year, that’s the way it goes.”
Third-base Gabrielle Warrington, Junior
“I think we’ve done really well this season, the past few weeks especially, coming together as a team. I have been playing softball since I was like four and I did not expect us to get this far this year. The other team is good but I think we could win if we play, if we show up and do what we do.”
Centerfielder Lexi Bennett, Junior
“I would say it’s been a rough start for me, personally. I got into a slump early, and have had a hard time getting out. But here lately in the playoffs, I feel like we found each other and we’ve all come together – all of a sudden playing together. Centerfield is an easier position for me, but yeah, a lot of running. Playing softball has taught me most of all probably patience. When stuff gets hard, you can’t break down.”
Right-fielder Kolbie Bush, Senior
“I feel it’s been going pretty well, and I’m pretty excited about the upcoming games. Learning teamwork is probably one of the biggest things here. In the last few months, we’ve really come together and we’ve been more of a team – really been together. It’s a whole different atmosphere and been a lot of fun, like a family here lately; it’s pretty awesome.”
First-base Addie Bowman, Junior
“I feel like softball did start off rough but we’ve all come together like a family. If we keep it up, we’ll have a really good shot this weekend and definitely come home with a win. When I first started playing first base, it was a lot of pressure on me and it was all in my head. It was all mental and then Coach told us sports is 90% mental. I can’t think about it. I just have to do my job, take what comes at me and it’ll get done. I want to teach after high school, but not coach. Seeing the coaches all stressed – they have a lot of work as the coach will probably tell you!”
Left-fielder (injured) Caden Taylor, Senior
“I did play left field but I have been injured recently. I didn’t play much as a kid, so coming into high school there was definitely a learning curve. I’m a real testament to his (Coach Ives’) coaching ability – from where I began to where I ended – it was something special. If you rewind back a couple of years ago, we had two state championship teams. I remember their ring ceremony here at the school after they won and I thought. ‘Wow, that’s the coolest thing ever. I’ve got to get in on that!’ Being injured, I am taking a step back and watching everybody, every day. I’ve watched the switch when there was no relationship to where we are now. We’ve really come together and it’s a family. After high school, I will be attending Texas A&M and I hope to pursue a degree in nursing – and I plan to serve my community with that.”

Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]