Houston County Commissioners Put Federal Funds to Local Use

By Greg Ritchie
Messenger Reporter
HOUSTON COUNTY – The Houston County Commissioners Court met for a special meeting Tuesday, Feb. 7 to accept federal funds and begin to put some of them to use to purchase equipment needed by the county.
The Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) awarded the county two payments spread over two years with each payment totaling $374,658.49. The commissioners voted to accept these funds. County Auditor Melissa Jeter explained to the commissioners the funds can be used for many items such as capital expenditures or core facilities and equipment, infrastructure investments, general government operations along with other categories.
The commissioners voted to use part of the funds to purchase a Kubota tractor from Houston County Equipment needed for Precinct 3 road and bridge project.
The commissioners also voted to purchase a mower to be towed by the tractor for Precinct Three using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. An implement for the front of the tractor to clear debris was also approved for purchase, with a total for all three costing $82,082.12 all coming from federal funds sent for county use.
The court also approved the purchase of a 2020 Ford F-350 truck for $25,000 for Precinct One to be used as a multi-purpose vehicle and to haul heavy equipment. This cost was also taken from available ARPA funds.
Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]