Crockett City Council Passes on Increases to Raise Water, Trash
By Greg Ritchie
Messenger Reporter
CROCKETT – The City of Crockett City Council met Tuesday, Sept. 5 at Crockett City Hall where increases in utilities took precedence on the agenda.
After the meeting was called to order, Crockett Mayor Dr. Ianthia Fisher invited the winners from the Crockett High School FFA competition to come to the front as teams. The kids told attendees about their winning presentations at the recent FFA conference in Fort Worth. Each was then presented a certificate from the mayor recognizing their achievements.
During the public comments section, a new arrival to the area applauded the council for including the students in the proceedings, saying other cities do not work as well across departments such as the city and the school district.
Other public comments included questions about the agenda and the possible increases in water and trash for residents. One speaker told the council that while it was good that city employees would receive a cost of living increase, local residents already pay enough for water and trash services.
City Administrator John Angerstein explained to the council and to the public the water rates would increase by 6 cents per 100 gallons used. He told that council should they choose to approve the proposal – it was not a flat rate increase but based on usage. The council unanimously approved the increase.
The next item on the agenda was the rate paid by residents for garbage collection to Piney Woods Sanitation (PWS). Angerstein explained that the company is entitled to a 3% increase per year, but it had not gone up last year due to economic conditions affecting Crockett residents. The company is now requesting a 6% increase to cover this year’s and last year’s contracted increase. Several of the board members agreed the services of PWS were by far the best the city had been able to find. Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem Mike Marsh disagreed, saying the company did not raise the rate last year and should not expect double the increase this year.
Angerstein emphasized that the company was not making the increase retroactive. He stressed there are many benefits the company offers the city that many residents do not know about or take advantage of. While the privilege should not be abused, Angerstein said PWS will take up to three loose bags of trash outside of the normal container. This in the case of a house party or families generating more than the normal amount of trash.
Angerstein also said the company will pick up large items such as furniture that normally would have to be hauled away. He told the council that residents need to call PWS a day in advance of their normal pickup to let the route manager know to expect a bigger than normal pickup. The council voted to approve the increase with Marsh voting no.
The council approved a lease agreement with South Pine Animal Hospital to lease their current location from the city after the veterinarian clinic recently sold the building to the city. Angerstein told the council once the business relocates – in approximately six months – the current location would be used by the city as an animal shelter. This too passed unanimously.
The council proceeded to the forensic audit of the Crockett Economic and Industrial Development Corporation (CEIDC). The council then proceeded to read through five different proposals for the audit. Angerstein reminded the council to take into consideration the total cost, a proposed cap on the cost and any travel that might be required from an out-of-state auditor. While the public watched and waited, the council read through the proposals silently to themselves. After around 40 minutes, the council voted to approve Weaver Tax Advisors from Dallas to perform the audit.
Precinct One Councilman made a motion the City and CEIDC share the cost. These were both approved.
Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]