Grapeland FFA Teams Shine at Recent Contests
Special to The Messenger
The Grapeland FFA participated in two contests this past week. The Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation teams participated in the Bryan Invitational on Monday, March 21.
The Land judging team placed first with Haylee Jones as first high individual, Wendy Perez second, Dalli Jones third and Cameron Bridges fifth.
The Homesite team was second with Cole Goolsby finishing as third high individual, Keegan Harrison was sixth, Haley Boehm was seventh and Macie Watson was ninth.
On Thursday, March 24, the teams competed in the Davy Crockett SCS contest. The Land Judging team was first overall with Dalli Jones finishing as first high individual. Wendy Perez was second, Cameron Bridges third and Haylee Jones was fourth.
The Homesite Team was second with Macie Watson finishing as the second high individual, Cole Goolsby was third high, Haley Boehm was fifth and Keegan Harrison was seventh.
The next competition for these teams will be the Area level Competition at Sam Houston State University on April 12. (Keegan Harrison not pictured)