
New Faces, New Places at GISD

Compensation Plan for 2021-2022 Discussed

By Will Johnson

Messenger Reporter

GRAPELAND – While the end of any school year is a time to say goodbye to the graduating seniors, it is often a time to say goodbye to the teachers and faculty members who have decided to retire or move on to another district. However, for every goodbye there is, there also seems to be a hello.  

Such was the case at Grapeland ISD on Thursday, June 17 as the Board of Trustees said goodbye to several quality instructors while welcoming in quite a few new faces to the Sandie Nation.

The GISD Board accepted the resignations of Terry Ward, Elizabeth Ward, Nick Doughty, Stacie Vance, and Kevin Anderson and thanked them for their service to the district.

The trustees also approved the recommendations of Superintendent Don Jackson and the campus administrators to extend contract offers to 11 new (and some familiar) faces.

They are:

  • Gennie Laws will teach First Grade. She was formerly at Crockett ISD.
  • Timberly Treuter will teach First Grade. She was formerly at Onalaska ISD.
  • Danielle Dixon will teach PreK 4, She was formerly at a private school in Leander.
  • Eleana Leon Bobo will teach Elementary Special Education. She was formerly at Waco ISD.
  • Michael Morris will teach Fourth Grade Math. He was formerly at Crockett ISD.
  • Amanda Lumbreraz will teach Sixth and Seventh Grade English. She was formerly at Latexo ISD.
  • Kenny Lively will teach Ag. He was formerly with Palestine Westwood ISD.
  • Deterick Dixon- will teach Secondary History. He was formerly with Leander ISD.
  • Brock Lemire will teach Secondary Special Education and will be the Head Baseball Coach. He was formerly at Tyler Junior College.
  • Bryce Bobo- will teach Secondary Special Education and will serve as an Assistant Coach.
  • Chris Watson – Maintenance Supervisor.

There are still a few positions on the elementary campus left to fill. These are: Teacher’s Aide; PreK 3 Teacher; and a First Grade Teacher. There are no secondary positions currently open. 

Compensation-wise, it was recommended that all teaching staff receive their step raises for the 2021-2022 school year. A three percent raise from the midpoint was proposed for all eligible Administrator/Director Contracts (excluding new employees who have already received a negotiated contract.)

A proposal has been made to move coaches’ contracts from 187-day contracts to 197-day contracts. The UIL has allowed more interaction with student-athletes to prepare them for Fall competition and we would like to compensate the coaches for this time.

Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].   

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