All Roads Lead to Lovefest

Event Scheduled Next Week
By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
LOVELADY – It’s going to take a while, but things are slowly getting back to “normal.” Even though the COVID-19 vaccine is starting to administered, precautions still need to be taken.
Events are starting to be scheduled or re-scheduled and one of those scheduled soirees is the Lovelady Lovefest.
This year’s theme is “All Roads Lead to Lovefest” and kicks off on Thursday, Feb. 11 with the 39th annual Lovelady Lovefest Coronation, slated to take place in the Lovelady High School Gymnasium on Thursday, Feb. 11.
This year’s court includes: Seniors Kyra Rogers and Nick Ochoa; Juniors Shyanne Pipkin and Caleb Gilchrist; Sophomores Arris LeMaire and Shaun Easterling; and Freshmen Kortney Bynum and Skyler Pipkin.
The 8th grade princess and prince are Karsyn Sallee and James Gatlin while the 7th grade is represented by Addison Carney and Lane Wilson. Last, but certainly not least, are the little ones representing Pre-K – Emma Little and Brooks Driskell.
Each of the girls selected from the ninth through 12th grades will be vying for the 2021 title of Lovefest Queen. The contestants are judged on an essay they submit and a speech presented at the school, prior to the coronation.
2020 Lovefest Queen LHS Junior Katie Thompson.
This year’s queen will be crowned by the reigning 2020 Lovefest Queen, LHS Junior Katie Thompson.
Doors will open at 6 pm and the program begins at 6:30 pm. There will be a limited number of seats, so tickets must be purchased in advance.
Tickets can be purchased at Lovelady Elementary or Lovelady High School. The ticket purchase forms will be sent home with the students who are participating in the program. COVID protocol will be followed during the program.
**Tickets will not be available for purchase at the door**.
Due to the limited number of seats, this year’s program will include the Lovefest Court, with the third and fourth graders giving a performance. Ticket prices are $4 for adults and $2 for students.
Following the coronation, the Lovefest Parade is scheduled to take place at 10 am on Saturday, Feb. 13. Grand Marshals for this year’s parade are former Precinct Three County Commissioner Pat Perry and current Precinct Three Commissioner Gene Stokes.
The booths inside and outside of the Lovelady Old Gym will be socially distanced and everyone is encouraged to wear a mask.
There will be no baking contest this year and no amusement rides. There will still be a BBQ competition, a baby beauty contest and there will be carnival games available. Unfortunately, there will be no dance.
For further information, please contact the event coordinators via e-mail at [email protected] or see the Lovelady Lovefest Facebook page.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].