The 2020 US Census is Counting on You

Jobs Still Available

By Will Johnson

Messenger Reporter

HOUSTON COUNTY – It happens at the start of every decade and 2020 is no exception. It’s time for the US Census and everyone is counting on you.

On Monday, Feb. 10, a meeting of county and local officials was held at the Crockett Civic Center to begin to flesh out the process of counting every resident in Houston County.

Randy Patello, with the US Census Bureau, was on hand for the meeting and explained the importance of ensuring everyone was counted.   

Among the reasons he listed were: the results of the census are used to reapportion the US House of Representatives, determining how many seats each state gets; census data determines how more than $675 billion are spent supporting your state, country and community’s vital programs; and state officials use the results to redraw the boundaries of their congressional and state legislative districts, adapting to population shifts.

Patello further indicated there was still a need for census workers. HE said Houston County was looking to hire over 250 workers and still needed to hire 100 positions within the next 30 days.

These positions are time flexible and start at $18 per hour plus travel/mileage reimbursements. For more information and to fill out a short application.

The application can be found at

Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].  

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