
Crockett Chamber Hosts Annual Awards Banquet

James and Carole Martin “Awarded Citizens of the Year”

By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter

CROCKETT – With all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, the Crockett Area Chamber of Commerce hosted its Annual Chamber Awards Banquet on Thursday evening, March 1 at the Crockett Civic Center.

This year’s theme was “The Oscars, Emmys and Awards,” and one of the big awards was presented to Julie Lehr for her work with the Chamber. She was honored with the award for “Ambassador of the Year” and received a special certificate of recognition from State Representative Trent Ashby.

The anticipation built throughout the night for the premier honor of “Citizen of the Year.” When it came time to present the award, it was announced the accolade would be shared by James and Carole Martin, owners of Davy Crockett Drug.

After the presentation, Carole Martin commented on the honor.

“It was an honor to even be considered for such an award in this great community. We are blessed to be able to work together at a company that’s been here forever. We are also blessed to be able to live in this community and help support all of our residents in Houston County as we try to help keep them healthy. We are humbled by this award. It was definitely an honor to even be considered for it,” she said.

“We have some great customers and great people. To be able to serve like this, we are truly blessed,” Martin added.

In other awards, the Houston County Courier was named as “Business of the Year.”

Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].

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