
Crockett ISD Ring of Honor Nominees Due

By Greg Ritchie

Messenger Reporter

CROCKETT –  Crockett Independent School District (CISD) is soliciting nominations for the 2024 Ring of Honor candidates, who will be voted on by the school board and later honored in a ceremony before the Bulldog homecoming game Oct. 25, 2024, as they have their names set on the wall at Monte Jack Driskell Stadium. 

According to information from CISD, individuals are selected for their contributions to the Crockett school communities. They are part of a rich legacy and demonstrate a road map for success for young people today.

The CISD Ring of Honor is a blend of age and race and represents hard work and the extra effort that it takes to reach standards of excellence in our lives.

There is a process in place to nominate and select five new names, annually, to the Ring of Honor. If you know someone who deserves this honor and meets the criteria, please complete the candidate application, along with two letters of recommendation in support of the nominee’s candidacy, whether the nominee is a former student, teacher, coach, administrator or board member. Applications may be dropped off during business hours at or mailed to the Crockett ISD Administration Office at 1400 West Austin St., Crockett, Texas.

Criteria for a former teacher/coach/administrator/board member:

1. Must have taught or been an administrator/board member in CISD for

10 years or more.

2. Must have provided outstanding service and exhibited exemplary conduct.

3. Must be recognized as a positive role model, a person of character and a

demonstrated leader.

4. Must have been recognized as a person of uncommon dedication, going

beyond the call of duty to assist students, staff and/or parents.

5. Must have retired or resigned before being considered for nomination.

Criteria for a former student:

1. Must have been out of high school for a minimum of 12 years.

2. Must be recognized for outstanding academic or extracurricular achievement.

3. Must have maintained good academic standing.

4. Must have exhibited exemplary standards of conduct.

Nominators must submit the Ring of Honor Candidate Application and two

additional letters of recommendation in support of the nominee’s candidacy,

whether the nominee is a former student, teacher, coach, administrator or board

member. Award may be given posthumously.

The deadline to submit an application for the 2024 Ring of Honor is 4 p.m. on May 31.

Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]

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