Candidates Set For May Elections

By Greg Ritchie
Messenger Reporter
HOUSTON COUNTY – The deadline to sign up to run for one of the many city, school and hospital board elections ended at 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 16. The Messenger was able to gather data about many races and those who have officially signed up for the various open positions.
Here are the candidates, as reported by each entity, in no particular order. “I” will donate incumbents.
For the Houston County Hospital District, (HCHD) even-numbered positions are up for election this year and The Messenger was surprised to learn Position Two Incumbent Pam Ainsworth will not be seeking re-election. The candidates signed up to run for HCHD positions are:
Position Two: Joe “Buddy” Clonts, Monica Glover Pierre
Position Four: Roy Langford, Randy Currie
Position Six: Rhonda Brown (I), Robert Grier
Position Eight: Dina Pipes (I), Jarvis McElhany
In the city of Crockett, there are three city council positions set for the May elections with all three including the current incumbent and one challenger:
Precinct Three: Ernest Jackson (I), Natrenia Hicks
Precinct Four: Marquita Beasley (I), Elbert Johnson
Precinct Five: Mike Marsh (I), Lynda Warfield
There are three open positions for Crockett Independent School District (CISD) board of trustees:
District Three: Roy E. Johnson (I), Catina Brice
District Four: Karen Norman (I)
District Seven: Gerald B. Colter (I), Jose Cruz
In the city of Grapeland races, there were three candidates to put their names in the ring, all unopposed this time.
Grapeland Mayor: Velda Green
Grapeland City Council: Early Copeland, Justin Lumberaz
For Grapeland Independent School District, (GISD) there is one opposed race, with two unopposed. Position Three Board Member Allen Cheatham is retiring from the board and not seeking re-election.
Position Three: Joshua Goolsby
Position Four: Ryan Richie (I), Randy Hargrove, Jr.
Position Five: Cannon Vickers (I)
Elections for all of these positions will be held Saturday, May 4. Stay tuned to The Messenger for information about voting times and places as election day nears.
Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]