
Bulldog Spirit Growing As Tough Losses Build Character

By Greg Ritchie

Messenger Reporter

CROCKETT –  When new Crockett Independent School District (CISD) Athletic Director (AD) and Head Coach Jody Jordan spoke with The Messenger over the summer, he admitted he faced a challenge. The former AD had left suddenly, leaving coaches, administrators and the community confused and worried for what would come next. The most affected were the kids themselves. 

A head coach for an athlete is one of the most important figures in their young lives. Good coaches will remain important to them for the rest of their lives. Coaches must sometimes serve as surrogate fathers, psychologists, motivators, drill sergeants – all while trying to put a team on the field and move that ball 10 or so yards at a time. 

When Jordan came aboard, he told this newspaper he had lost his parents at a young age and could relate to young people and their problems. He said he always taught the kids a good attitude will take you far. With summer practices only then beginning, everyone knew it might turn out to be a tough season for the Bulldogs. A young team, a new coach – there would be a lot betting against a wining season. 

While the numbers are what they are – the Bulldogs won their first game only last Friday against Huntington – there is definitely something going on with the young men on the CISD football squad. The Messenger spoke with several teachers at Crockett High School who, off the record, noted remarkable changes in the students coached by Jordan. 

“As far as wins and losses – it’s not what you consider a successful year, but our kids are young. They’re resilient. They bounce back and they’re still working, doing what we asked them to do and day by day it’s getting better and better,” Jordan said. 

Local residents noticed with pleasure local businesses painted with Bulldog signs and colors to support the team. There will always be fair-weather fans, but the support was strong for a group of young men still finding their way this season and was just the morale boost the team needed. 

CISD Head Coach Jody Jordan inspires his players and the wider community at a recent Bulldog Community Pep Rally.

“It takes a community to get this thing going. And everybody’s been supportive and helping me,” Jordan said. Ms. Stephens (Crockett High School Cheer Coach Shandi Stephens) takes the cheerleaders out and they paint the buildings downtown and do a great job. It takes a group effort.”

The teachers said they noted a sharp contrast in attitude, respect, attention, punctuality – one teacher was surprised how one of the student athletes was becoming a role model in the class. If sports can help with physical fitness and running and throwing and kicking – surely it’s greatest role should be teaching young men to be good men. 

“I talk about the ‘ABC’s.’ A for academics. I want to talk about B, behavior. I’m talking about C, character,” Jordan explained. “Whether they do them right all the time or not, they know them.  Number one, be on time. Two, give maximum effort. Number three, repeat one and two. We do things in processes and routines and lay out expectations so they know what is expected of them.”

Jordan was grateful to both the CISD administration and new Crockett High School Principal Matthew Maitland for supporting him as he takes on his new role as both head coach and mentor to the kids. Jordan also knows things can only get better for this young team – of the 33 they suited out this year, 26 will be back next year. 

“We love the community and we want to produce wins for them,” Jordan concluded. “Winning is always good, but it’s great to have that support. We put 33 kids on the field, but there’s 60 of us working to make it happen.”

Games are won and lost, snacks consumed, fans thrilled or disappointed. That, as they say, is all part of the game. In spite of the final score, there seems to be a new spirit emanating from the Bulldogs that may not be obvious from the stands. Some at the schools and in the community are beginning to suspect Jordan and his staff may just have a big hand in that. 

Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]

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