Houston County Woman Compiles Newspaper Columns into Book
By Cheril Vernon
Messenger Copy Editor
GRAPELAND – For more than seven years, Donna Sprinkle wrote a weekly newspaper column in The Messenger about humorous observations of everyday life with a Biblical connection.
“The church (Light On A Hill Church) wanted us to put an article in the newspaper each week. I didn’t want to write about the church activities, I wanted to write to encourage people, share my experiences of making the best of every day life and finding the humor in every situation,” Sprinkle said. “When you look back on things that happen, you can see God in everything.
Sprinkle wrote the column from 2001 to 2009 and after years of having people tell her she should write a book, Sprinkle compiled the columns into a book.
“Life Out Loud” is a collection of humorous short stories drawn from real-life tales of everyday experiences with family, friends, animals and daily activities.
“Each of these stories not only finds the humor in life, but also shares a Biblical perspective. Life happens but finding a reason to laugh can brighten our day,” Sprinkle said. “Each chapter has six to 10 stories in it and is arranged according to topics such as animals, friends, family, kids, grandkids, exercise, for example.”
Sprinkle based the book on Romans 1:20: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. “ NIV
“Throughout each article there is a devotional. Most people when you say devotional think of serious preachy. I wanted something people come to enjoy and identify with. God is in all of our lives if we let Him be. I can devote everything to God, not just my serious moments,” Sprinkle said.
“Life Out Loud” was published in December on Amazon and is available in print and on Kindle.
“I hope that by reading the stories people might find Jesus in something that catches their attention. And I hope they find it funny as well. I hope it encourages the Christian and hopefully bring the lost to know Jesus and get to know Him in their life,” Sprinkle said. “For me, it’s a ministry.”
Sprinkle is married to Light On A Hill pastor Tommy Sprinkle, who has pastored the church for 21 years since the church was started. The author also is the mother of two boys, grandmother of eight grandchildren and great-grandmother of eight great-grandchildren (and counting).
The couple moved from Houston to Houston County Lake in the early 1990s.
To purchase the book, visit donnasprinkle.com or email [email protected], or call
936-687-4966. The book is $14.95 in print and $4.99 on Kindle.