Latexo ISD Approves Substitute Pay
May 2022 Election Officials, Sites Approved
By Jason Jones
Messenger Reporter
LATEXO – The Latexo Independent School District Board of Trustees met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 10. A representative from Berry & Clay Construction was not available for an update during the meeting, but construction has progressed to the point where the casual observer can see the obvious strides being made. The new gym project has seen all the concrete work completed and the metal framing is currently being erected, standing as a testament to the current state of progress.
Superintendent Michael Woodard reported that progress was being made on a wetland reclamation project. He also reported that COVID numbers for the district have dropped to an encouraging level and that attendance for the district is currently averaging around 95%.
The board discussed and approved an increase in pay for substitute teachers. During the COVID-19 outbreaks, substitute teacher availability has become an increasingly difficult situation for many area school districts due to the increased demand. The district researched substitute pay among the area districts and based the increase on an average for the area.
Other agenda items addressed during Thursday’s meeting included:
- Approval of Karen Goolsby Smith as Election Judge and Evalena Ashley as Alternate Judge for the May 7, 2022 Election
- Approval of Ashley Shoemake as Early Voting Absentee Clerk and Britany Taylor as Alternate Clerk for May 7, 2022 Election
- Approval of Wilcox Community Center as May 7, 2022 Polling Location and Latexo Administration Office as Early Voting Location
- Approval of consent agenda items, including minutes from the previous meeting and monthly expenditures for January 2022
The board then participated in a board workshop, “Team of 8” Board Training session.
Jason Jones may be reached via email at [email protected]