GISD to Host Veterans Day Program

Special to The Messenger
GRAPELAND – In honor of Veterans Day this year, Grapeland Secondary School is planning to recognize family members of students and staff who served in the armed forces — but we need your help.
On Nov. 11, a slide show will run during lunch in the high school cafeteria that features photos of as many of these veterans as you are able to nominate.
From 8:45 to 9:45 AM on November 11th, a special breakfast will be held in the Grapeland Secondary Library for any of these veterans that are able to attend.
If you have one or more family members you’d like to recognize in the pictorial slide show, invite to the breakfast, or both, please send all information to [email protected]. You can also deliver photos to the High School or Junior Office for submission.
Nominations and photo submissions will not be accepted after Nov. 10 at noon, so make your nominations as soon as possible!