Council Discusses Code Enforcement

 City Council Hears Presentation on Cleanup of Properties in City 

By Jason Jones 

Messenger Reporter 

CROCKETT – Crockett City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, November 1 to take action on a short list of agenda items.  

Crockett Mayor, Dr. Ianthia Fisher, called the meeting to order, and after an invocation and pledge, took a moment to praise the efforts to move the city’s regular Halloween celebration to the newly renovated city parking lot on 5th Street. “At 5:00 it looked like there may not be many participants this year, but by 5:15 it started filling up,” said Dr. Fisher. She thanked those who organized and participated in the event and provided such a safe environment for local children. 

City Administrator John Angerstein followed Dr. Fisher’s remarks with a brief presentation regarding the city’s Code Enforcement department and efforts to clean up several abandoned or derelict properties. A slide presentation included before and after photos of several properties which had seen abandoned or condemned buildings torn down and the properties properly cleaned and maintained. Many of the properties were sold to cover delinquent taxes. Angerstein explained that the work had been funded by a grant from DETCOG, which the council would later approve the filing of an application for another. 

The council then moved to the meeting’s agenda items as follows: 

  • Approval of minutes from the regular meeting on October 18, 2021. 
  • Approval of a resolution to cast votes for the Board of Directors for Houston County Appraisal District. Discussion by the council resulted in a unanimous decision to vote to keep the incumbent board members. 
  • Considered and approved a bid on the following tax trust property: suit # 12-0175; Houston CAD vs Roxane A. Williams, NKA Roxane Mansfield. 
  • Considered and approved a resolution of the City of Crockett authorizing the filing of a grant application with the Deep East Texas Council of Governments for a regional solid waste grants program grant; Authorizing John Angerstein, City Administrator, to act on behalf of the City of Crockett in all matters related to the application, and pledging that if a grant is received, the City of Crockett will comply with the grant requirements of the Deep East Texas Council of Governments, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas. 

Jason Jones may be reached via email at [email protected] 

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