UIL Looking at Elkhart COVID-19 Protocol

Woes Continue for Elks
By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
ELKHART – While the season is still young, the Elkhart Elks football team is not having a good year. Their record, so far this season, is 0-3. They have fought hard, but the teams they have faced had just a little bit more in the tank.
On top of this, the University Interscholastic League (UIL) is now looking into the Elkhart ISD COVID-19 protocols at football games. The UIL took notice of the matter following a picture posted on the Facebook page of State Rep. Cody Harris.
In response, Rep. Harris fired off a letter to Dr. Susan Elza, the Director of Athletics for the UIL.
The letter stated: “I am writing to you regarding a letter which was sent to Elkhart ISD in House District 8 from you organization regarding a picture that I took and posted on social media of a football game. It has been brought to my attention that your organization is attempting to police whether or not fans are wearing face coverings and ‘socially distancing’ and threatening reprimands or even shutting down athletics programs if your guidelines aren’t followed during athletic events. This is entirely and wholly unacceptable.”
The letter continued, “The People of Texas have been thoroughly educated about the recommended practices to protect against the spread of COVID-19 and warned about the risks of contracting the virus for well over seven months now. The People, especially in rural Texas, are beyond fed up with state agencies and bureaucrats telling them how they can or cannot live their lives. They understand that, if they are sick or have a weakened immune system, they should stay home and not go to the football game on Friday night. Everyone else understands that there is a constant risk of contracting the virus if they leave their house, much less attend a football game. We have had enough of the strong-arm tactics that do nothing but breed anger and resentment.”
Harris added, “My own father, who is in his 70s, is fully aware of the inherent risks associated with attending a football game. But, he eagerly accepts the risk of sitting among 200+ strangers knowing that it will afford him the joy of watching his grandkids play. It should be left to him and everyone else to measure the risks and decide whether or not they attend – mask or no mask. The time has come for the government to get the hell out of the way and let the People live their lives the way they choose. Thank you for your consideration and for the important work you do for the students of Texas.”
The Elks were on the road this week against Corrigan-Camden but as of press time the final score was unavailable.
It should be pointed out on Thursday, Sept. 17, Anderson County Judge Robert Johnston received notification of five newly confirmed cases of COVID-19. That brought the current total of active cases to 555 to go along with 400 reported recovered cases and 15 deaths. There have been 69 reported cases, not including recoveries, reported in the city of Elkhart.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].