Health Careers Program Highlights Latexo ISD Board Meeting

Val/Sal Requirements Discussed
By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
LATEXO – During a meeting of the Latexo Independent School District (LISD) Board of Trustees held on Thursday, Jan. 17, a presentation on the district’s Health Careers Program was provided to the trustees.
According to a handout provided at the meeting, “Latexo ISD is introducing a Health Careers program for students interested in a health-related job or career. Studies of careers and job growth show that health-related jobs will be in great demand now and in the future. Future jobs demand includes: home health and personal care aides, medical assistants and secretaries, nursing assistants and practical, vocational and registered nurses.”
The presentation was provided by Latexo High School teacher Chris Cravens who indicated while the district does a great job with college bound students he had concerns about the students who choose not to go to college.
As a result, the Health Career Program was created “… to give these students some type of an occupation or certification so upon graduation they can step into a job or career.”
The current classes offered by the district include:
- Principles of Health Science
- Medical Terminology
- Health Science Theory
- Practicum in Health Science
- Phlebotomy
- Certified Pharmacy Technician
“The program costs money,” Cravens said. “Krystal Patterson is going to have to stop being the school nurse and will become a full-time instructor. We will also have to hire someone to take her place. She cannot do both at the same time.”
Other costs include certification testing and materials.
“It will take a little money to get the program started. We are going to have to hire someone to be a full time nurse and Krystal will have to be a full-time instructor. The program won’t work if we try and divide her up,” he added.
Cravens said benefits to the district included: more money per student per class; it increases the high school and district profile; and it emphasizes the unique opportunities found in Latexo.
Benefits for the students include: more students graduating job or career ready; it allows students who do go to college the opportunity to use their certifications in finding part-time work; and it provides a solid background for those students who choose the healthcare profession as a career.
Prior to the health careers presentation, a lengthy discussion was held concerning changes to Policy EIC (Local). The current LISD policy does not address students who graduate early and wish to be considered as the school’s valedictorian or salutatorian.
The change to Policy EIC (local) would prohibit students who graduate early from being considered for the valedictorian or salutatorian position.
“Our policy addresses what happens if a student moves here in the middle of the year and wants to be considered for valedictorian or salutatorian. But, it doesn’t address what would happen if a student wanted to move up a grade,” LISD Academic Counselor Kim Watson said.
Following several more minutes of discussion, the matter was tabled for further consideration.
As the meeting continued, LISD Interim Superintendent Gary Gazaway commented the month of January was School Board Recognition Month.
“We have a lot of goodies provided by the elementary and high school here. We all really appreciate what board has done. I haven’t been here that long but I really appreciate what the board has done the last several months,” he said.
In other matters brought before the board a motion calling for an election on May 4, 2019 was approved. Positions 5, 6 and 7 are up for election this year.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].