2018 Houston County Primary Election Returns

By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
HOUSTON COUNTY – The 2018 election season is in full swing and on Tuesday, March 6 voters went to the polls in the primary elections to choose the candidates they would like to represent them on the November ballot at the federal, state and county levels.
In the Republican primary – at the county level – County Judge Jim Lovell was unopposed and received 2,391 votes.
District Clerk Carolyn Rains was also unopposed and received 2,299 votes.
In a contested race for the County Clerk’s position, Terri Meadows received 1,429 votes while Gwen Thornton Womack received 1,149 votes.
The race for County Treasurer was also contested. Janis Moore Omelina received 1,405 votes while Brittani Womack received 1,186 votes.
There was also a contested race for the Precinct Four County Commissioner’s position. Incumbent Kennon Kellum received 414 votes while challenger Jimmy Henderson received 486 votes.
Precinct Two County Commissioner Willie Kitchen was unopposed and received 471 votes.
County Surveyor C.R. “Chili” Hodges was unopposed and received 2,184 votes.

Precinct One Justice of the Peace Clyde Black was unopposed and received 1,165 votes.
Precinct Two Justice of the Peace Ronnie Jordan was unopposed and received 1,121 votes.
Republican Party Chair Joni K. Clonts was unopposed and received 2,214 votes.
In the Democratic primary, County Court at Law Judge Sarah Tunnell Clark was unopposed and received 425 votes.
Janice Shroyer Turner – a candidate for County Clerk – was unopposed and received 422 votes.
Mildred Robbins – a candidate for County Treasurer – was unopposed and received 423 votes.
The totals listed above represent 100 percent of the Houston County precincts.
The vote is not considered official until the ballots have been canvassed and certified. For complete coverage of the statewide and federal races, please check online or see the Sunday, March 11 edition of The Messenger.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].