Palestine PD Offering Incentives to New Hires
By Sarah Naron
Messenger Reporter
PALESTINE – In a continuation of the recruiting efforts began in 2017, the Palestine Police Department is extending incentives to certified officers, correctional officers, military veterans and new hires to the department.
“We are looking for the right fit,” said Police Chief Andy Harvey. “We are looking for those who are community-minded and want to serve our city.”
According to Chief Harvey, the large population of correctional officers throughout the local area presents the opportunity for local investment.
“They have valued skills that can translate into becoming successful police officers,” he explained.
If approved to join the Palestine PD’s force, military veterans and certified officers can expect to receive $5,000 in incentives. Correctional officers hired by the department can receive $4,000, while hiring bonuses for non-certified new hires will be $3,000. All bonuses will be paid in two installments after all training requirements have been met by the candidate.
For certified officers, the opportunity to make a lateral transfer from their current department will be available. All prospective candidates will undergo testing Saturday, Feb. 24.
Examinations for entry-level officers will be held by the City of Palestine beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 24 in the Palestine Police Department Training Room inside the Palestine Mall, located at 2000 S. Loop 256, Suite 38.
Applicants who arrive after 9 a.m. will not be admitted into the testing room. All candidates must present a photo identification in order to take the exam. Those who pass the written exam will immediately undergo a physical agility test at Fire Station No. 4, located on Highway 287.
Those interested in applying may obtain an application online at All applications must be completed and returned to the Palestine PD no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 16.
Currently certified officers should present a copy of their TCOLE certificate. Military veterans will need to present a copy of their DD214.
For more information, please contact Assistant Chief Gary Rayford at 903-731-8471 or via email at [email protected].
Sarah Naron may be reached via email at [email protected].