HCFA Holds Short October Meeting

By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
HOUSTON COUNTY – The Houston County Fair Association (HCFA) met in a relatively short meeting on Wednesday, Oct 11 to discuss recent financial and future financial transactions.
Once the meeting had been called to order by HCFA President Scott Moore, Secretary Beverly Moore read the minutes of the previous meeting and provided the association members with an update on the organization’s financial status.
As she gave the financial report, Secretary Moore reported there was only one outstanding bill left to collect from the 2017 fair. She reported LAR Ranch still owed $100 to the HCFA. Moore added she had emailed the contact as well as leaving several voice messages.
The next item of business discussed concerned what to provide buyers with – in appreciation – during the 2018 Houston County Fair and Youth Livestock Show. In the previous meeting, the secretary had mentioned possibly providing the buyers with portfolio style notebooks.
Moore passed around several samples she had acquired and said the price ranged from $3.19 to $5.06 per portfolio.
Several minutes of discussion followed the sample display, but no action was taken on the matter.
As the meeting continued, Moore said she had recently received an e-mail about a seminar to better learn how to use ShoWorks, the HCFA’s record keeping software.
She said the actual seminar was in Wyoming, but added there was a mini-seminar in Bryan for which she had registered.
“I have already registered and paid for it. It is $225. I can either go up there and stay the two nights or, I can drive back and forth. Scott and I have tossed different ideas around. I drive to Bryan all the time. I really haven’t decided if I’m going to stay the night, but I would like to see if you would be willing to reimburse me the $225,” she said.
“Basically, what this course does,” President Moore explained, “It teaches – Beverly already knows how to work the program – but it teaches you how to operate the program better.”
A motion was made seconded and unanimously approved to reimburse the $225 expense.
Before the meeting concluded, President Moore reminded the members about replacement heifer and steer validation. He said the validation would be held at the Crockett Vet Hospital on Oct. 21 from 1until 3 p.m.
Hog, goat and lamb validation will be held at the Porth Ag Arena on Dec. 7 beginning at 5:30 p.m., according to Moore.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].