Sunday Sitdown
Mitchell Woody
Grapeland Mayor
By Greg Ritchie
Messenger Reporter
The Messenger continues its Sunday Sitdown reports where we speak with our local pastors, educators, businesspeople, students and interesting people of all walks of life in Houston County. To see the full video interview, click on the link below. The Messenger would like to thank Cutshaw Chevrolet in Grapeland for sponsoring this week’s edition.
Can you update us on the grants Grapeland will use to make improvements in the city?
“We just got a grant to completely renovate Pine Street. It really needs to be done as it’s been beat up over the years. Everything top to bottom – drainage, manhole covers, it’s gonna be raised up – completely overhauled. We also just got approved for a downtown revitalization grant. For two square blocks around Main Street, we’re going to upgrade fixtures, sidewalks, have nice little fences, a little park, things like that. That will upgrade the town and give it a fresh look here on Main Street.”
Why are people here so passionate about their city?
“It’s the small town feel, with small town values. There’s a comfort in knowing that everybody knows everybody. You can walk in anywhere and you’re going to see a friendly face and catch up with somebody. You don’t have to worry if you’re broke down on the side of the road in Grapeland – somebody you know is going to help. I think that’s what people love about it. Everybody’s proud of Grapeland, we’re proud of the kids and the sports and the whole nine yards. So I think it’s the small town values with the small town feel and that’s what everybody likes.”
Why did you want to be mayor and what are the best and worst parts of the job?
“Well, believe it or not, when I was about 12 years old, my friend’s uncle was the mayor. I didn’t know that at the time and I was spending the night with my buddy. I found out there during that dinner that I was at the mayor’s house. And I said, ‘Well, maybe I’ll be the mayor of Grapeland someday’ and everybody laughed. But it was something that was on my mind since I was a little kid and it wound up coming to fruition. What I like best about the job is making a difference. I’ve been the mayor a little over two years now. We have done a lot – the new city hall, streets are being repaved, infrastructure is almost completely upgraded. We’ve done so much in so little time and we’re very proud of what we’ve done. I like making a difference and bettering my community. The part I don’t like is just the rumor mill and people buying into rumors.”
What is something many people may not know about Grapeland?
“Grapeland is actually a nice little vacation spot. We have Salmon Lake Park, right outside the city limits which brings a lot of business with the festivals and stuff like that. And w we have another RV park out on the bypass. I think what people don’t know about Grapeland – and we are trying to get the word out – is that it’s a nice little vacation spot to get away from the city. You know, gear down a little bit, slow down and enjoy a weekend in the country.”
Where do you see the city in 3-5 years?
“The main plan is infrastructure and streets. We have done a great job – the pipes, the wastewater plant – we already have a plan to completely renovate that. So in three to five years, I would say Grapeland will be completely overhauled, infrastructure-wise, with almost every street paved. We still have dirt roads inside the city limits. We’re going to pave two of them this year. Three to five years – infrastructure’s good, streets are paved, healthy financially and that’s the path we’re on.”
Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]