
Crockett City Elections Forum Planned for April 18

By Greg Ritchie

Messenger Reporter

CROCKETT –  With the May 6 elections creeping ever closer, The Messenger has been working with both the Crockett Area Chamber of Commerce and all of the candidates to prepare another candidate forum scheduled for Tuesday, April 18 at the Crockett Civic Center beginning at 6 p.m.

The public is encouraged to attend this free event, to support the candidate of their choice, or to listen to the different ideas presented in order to decide who should get their vote. The forum will open with the race for Precinct One with candidates Samantha Wiley, Dennis Ivey and Joe Don James each being asked the following questions:

1. Please tell us about yourself and your background. 

2. What role do you think a city council member should play in helping our city?

3. How do you plan to interact and be accountable to the citizens in your precinct?

4. What is the most crucial thing your precinct needs?

5. What future do you see for CEIDC?

6. Why you? Why now?

Then the same questions would be asked of the candidates in precinct two, only Councilman Darrell Jones has not yet agreed to attend and Councilman Gene Caldwell had planned a trip months earlier that he cannot cancel. The Messenger is working with Caldwell to include him in some way, in spite of his traveling, so please stay tuned for an update. 

The forum will then continue with our mayoral candidates, incumbent Dr. Ianthia Fisher and challenger Connie Strban. Each will be asked the following questions:

1. Please tell us about yourself and your background. 

2. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages the city of Crockett faces?

3. What growth should there be in Crockett and how can we achieve it?

4. What would be your top three priorities if elected?

5. What future do you see for the CEIDC?

6. What will be your biggest challenge as mayor?

7. Why you? Why now?

These questions have been sent to all of the candidates who have committed to attending. As always, The Messenger asks open questions and does not usually get specific with candidates in a forum setting. The goal is for people to meet the candidates and see them answer broad questions about themselves and their plans for the city. What the candidates include – or do not include – can often tell a voter of their priorities and goals for the job. Immediately after the forum, each candidate will be provided their own space in the civic center’s entryway to meet with voters and answer any more specific questions voters may have. 

Any democracy is only as good as the people’s participation in it. As the old saying goes, you lose the right to complain if you don’t vote. Speaking of voting, there is still time to register and make sure your voice is heard, too. You have until April 6 to register to vote in the city elections as early voting will begin April 24 and end May 2 – with the election itself Saturday, May 6. These dates apply to all of the county elections. 

Polling locations for the city elections have been announced and approved:

Precinct #1 – All Saints Episcopal Church Annex – 1301 E. Houston Ave.

Precinct #2 – St. Francis Parish Hall – 609 N. 4th Street

Precinct #3 – Crockett High School – 1600 S. W. Loop 304

Precinct #4 – Crockett Administration Building – 1400 W Austin

Precinct #5 – Sr. Citizens Center – 716 Wells Street

Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]

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