Crockett ISD Celebrates FFA Week

By Ryan Arvizu, Crockett FFA President and Andrea Villanueva, Crockett FFA Parliamentarian
Messenger Student Journalists Crockett ISD
(This article was prepared and written by some of the student journalists The Messenger is working with to improve their writing skills and give them experience in the real world of journalism and communications. This story is from some of the participants from Crockett High School and The Messenger would like to thank English Teacher Tori Stallones and her amazing students for participating.)
CROCKETT – February is an important month in the FFA community, as several events and activities take place at this time including FFA week. Crockett FFA has been on an expeditious journey within the school community and across Texas. The chapter enjoys interacting with Crockett Elementary and Junior High students to share and spread the influence of FFA.
This year, FFA week was held from February 21 to February 24. During this special week, the agricultural literacy committee assembled a coloring page contest for the elementary kids to take part in and interact with the true colors of FFA.

Students were also able to participate in “Agventure” day. “Agventure” day is a yearly event where officers and chapter members put together stations on various agriculture topics. Crockett FFA enjoyed exploring the plant, poultry, beef cattle, lamb and goat, ag mechanics and basic FFA stations.

Our duty in Crockett FFA is to ensure that kids learn every day, even outside the classroom. Crockett students were just some of the ones to participate in FFA week celebrations. Teachers also participated in an online contest that challenged their knowledge of Crockett FFA and general FFA history. During FFA week, we truly expressed the honor of “learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve.”
Greg Ritchie can be reached at [email protected]