Grapeland City Council Names Shafer Police Chief
Interim Chief Moved to Permanent Status During City Council Meeting
By Jason Jones
Messenger Reporter
GRAPELAND – Grapeland City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, November 8 to discuss and act on several agenda items including the naming of the city’s new Chief of Police. Interim Chief Thomas Shafer, who has held the position of Interim Chief since September 17 following the removal and subsequent arrest of former Chief Kody Stephens, was moved into the official position of Chief of Police. The council remarked that Chief Shafer had done a great job for the past several weeks and expressed confidence in having him on board.
Shafer took a moment to introduce two newly hired officers to the council. Officer Richard Lewis comes to Grapeland with experience in Harris and Anderson Counties. Officer Bradley Overton previously worked for the Lindale PD as well as Anderson County.
The council also heard from two citizens regarding water bills. One resident had issues due to a lengthy absence including a hospitalization during which a pipe ruptured on his property. The other resident was found to have had his water usage errantly entered into the billing system. Both issues were resolved in a satisfactory manner.
Other agenda items discussed during the meeting;
- Discuss and act on Police pay scale budget
- Denied request by local citizen to install a shooting range in his back yard in accordance with current city ordinance
- Discuss and consider splitting Urgent Care funding
- Approved acceptance of a bid on the resale of a trust property
- Discuss and consider the leasing of a city lot known as City Shoe Shop
- Approved the adoption of Houston County burn ban rules as a city ordinance
- Approved the amendment of City Ordinance 8402, authorizing the mayor, with consent of the City Council, to appoint a Chief of Police, Police Officers, and a police reserve force. Those appointments would remain intact in the instance of a change to the position of mayor.
- Approved an ordinance authorizing and ordering the issuance of City of Grapeland, Texas certificates of obligation, series 2021; Prescribing the terms and form thereof; Making other provisions regarding such certificates, including use of the proceeds thereof, and matters incident thereto.
Jason Jones may be reached via email at [email protected]