Crockett ISD Discusses Code of Conduct, State School Property

By Jason Jones
Messenger Reporter
CROCKETT – The Crockett ISD Board of Trustees met on Monday, September 27 in regular session to discuss several agenda items.
The meeting opened with a report from CISD Business Manager, Tamra Scroggins, regarding the district’s performance in Schools FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas.) The program measures the district’s management of financial resources. Crockett ISD earned a level of Superior Achievement by scoring 96%.
The public comments portion of the meeting was next. First up was Ms. Monica Pierre, newly elected President of Crockett Jr. High’s PTO. Pierre reported to the board that the newly reformed organization has hit the ground running with 26 active members and three fundraisers scheduled for the fall. The group also plans luncheons honoring the faculty and custodial staff.
Following Ms. Pierre were two concerned parents with comments regarding the facial hair policy in the Student Dress Code. While unable to comment or respond to the public comment section, the board was appreciative of the parental input.
The Board then approved consent agenda items, including minutes from the previous meeting, bills and budget comparisons and the investment report.
The Superintendents report followed. Superintendent John Emerich updated the board regarding Zoom sessions for the 87th Legislative session. Emerich also updated the board on new cameras at Bulldog Stadium which are now providing the video feed for home games. He also reported that similar cameras are currently being installed for the upcoming basketball season.
Emerich continued his report by informing the board of SB1, currently being considered by Texas lawmakers, which will require school districts to reduce school taxes by 6 cents next year, followed by a return to the regular rate the following year.
Superintendent Emerich concluded by reporting faculty and staff had been informed of retention bonuses recently approved by the board which would be added to paychecks in September. Emerich conveyed widespread appreciation expressed by the faculty and staff for the board’s consideration.
Also approved by the board during the meeting were the following items;
- 2021-2022 Campus and District Parent Involvement Policies
- 2021-2022 Campus Improvement plans
- Resolution regarding 8 days of additional paid leave for employees diagnosed with COVID-19
- Resolution for investment officers
- Appoint members to Local School Health Advisory Council
- Acceptance of Gifts and Donations
- Approval of nominations for Board of Directors for the Houston County Appraisal District for 2022-2023
The board then went into executive session. When open session resumed, the board took action on changes to the 2021-2022 Student Code of Conduct regarding the facial hair policy for students. The measure failed by a vote of 4-2.
Jason Jones may be reached via email at [email protected]