IDEA Committee Formed in Palestine

Special to The Messenger
PALESTINE – At its July 20 Special Meeting, the Palestine City Council formed the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity Alliance (I.D.E.A.) Committee. The committee consists of seven members with five subcommittees consisting of five members each with the option to add members and subcommittees as the committee sees fit. The committee members will be Jose Tovar, Rodrick Riley, Ella Green, Ami Camp, Johnathan Carey (Interim Chairperson), Tom Calhoun, and Roy Duncan. There have been at least 33 citizens to volunteer to help with this committee.
“I would like to extend my gratitude to all of the individuals who contacted their elected officials or City staff to express interest in getting involved with this new committee. It is so encouraging to have so many who are willing to join the City of Palestine to help start these important meaningful conversations. I look forward to seeing all this committee can help our City accomplish,” City Manager Leslie Cloer said.
The decision to form this committee was openly expressed as urgent and of the highest importance. The committee members will utilize the list of volunteers as well as other citizens willing to get involved. The five subcommittees were formed to address inclusion, diversity and equity in terms of quality of life, education, housing, public safety and government & employee services.
“I think this is extremely important. I don’t think we will have another committee this important for another 50 years. This is our opportunity to address some issues that must be addressed,” Mayor Steve Presley added.
Those wishing to submit their names for one of the five subcommittees should contact the City Secretary at [email protected]. Those with any questions or concerns should contact the City Manager at [email protected].