Christmas in Crockett Next Weekend

Santa Claus is Coming to Town
By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter
CROCKETT – It’s hard to believe but Christmas is right around the corner and that means Christmas in Crockett is too.
“Christmas in Crockett is our annual downtown festival,” Crockett Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Dan Huggins said. “It’s the 38th year for it. We have food vendors to arts and crafts, kids’ games. A lot of people also do some Christmas shopping.”
Huggins reported so far the Chamber has over 250 booth spaces filled “… and if that’s not a record, it’s the most in many, many years.”
One of the new attractions this year will be at the recently completed City Park area across from City Hall.
“We will have a number of kids’ activities and booths, a petting zoo and all sorts of new things. There will also be a type of trampoline kids can jump on,” the chamber director said.
“Also new this year, Santa Claus will be on the square. He will be on the east side of the courthouse on the stairs. It’s sponsored by Knox Furniture and there will be free pictures for the kids. You can either take the pictures on your cell phone or we will have a special photographer there to take the pictures. That will be from 10 am until 2 pm,” he said.
Another new feature this year will be a food pavilion. Attendees will now have a place to eat the Christmas in Crockett delicacies without having to stand.
“It’s going to be a big tent where people can go and sit after they buy their food and get out of the elements,” he said.
Speaking of the elements, Huggins was asked if he had checked the forecast for Saturday, Nov. 23. He said he had and as of Thursday morning of this week, the forecast calls for sunny skies with a high of 70 and a low of 46.
“Last year, the weather was unbelievable and the square was packed. I’ve been here a couple of years now and I’ve never seen a crowd like that,” Huggins said. “So, we’re hoping for good weather this year. We’re keeping our fingers crossed.”
Prior to the Saturday event, Huggins said Friday night will see a mixer for the various vendors, held at the Moosehead Café.
“We are going to do a mixer at the Moosehead Café Friday night. We will be there to answer any questions and show people where they are set up. It will be from 6 pm until 8 pm. We’re hoping to mark the booths, weather permitting next Tuesday night,” he said.
The festival opens at 10 am and runs until 5 pm. There is no cost to attend.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].