Grapeland Public Library News 1-25
We would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. We are very appreciative to our patrons as well as the entire community for you gracious financial support in 2017. We look forward to your continued support in 2018.
We are very excited about the programs and activities planned for the New Year. Our new hours are Tuesday through Thursday from 10:00 – 5:00.
Some of the scheduled activities: Senior Yoga Classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:00 – 3:00. Guitar Sessions for all levels Wednesdays at 7:00. Genealogy Classes every other Tuesday from 2:00 – 4:00 the next class will be on January 16. Please call the library for available classes.
March 24, The Library Chili Cook-Off open to the Public. The fee to enter will be $25.00. Call the Library for additional information and to register.
The Methodist Women will also have a bake sale during the Chili Cook-Off. Sign-up for Summer Reading will start February 1. Please stop by or call the Library for information or to sign-up for any of the activities offered.
Dr. Ruth Simmons, our Genealogy Program sponsor, was the keynote speaker for the Crockett Martin Luther King Jr. program. Please stop by the library and enjoy the wonderful exhibit on display during the month of February to celebrate Black History Month. The library is located 212 N Oak St. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Submitted by Annette Parham, GPL Volunteer