THE WEEKENDER: ‘I Decided to Never Be There Again!’

[email protected]

Well, here we go!  The political system is heating up again!  Apparently the position of County Judge is up and contested.  Your choices there are apparently Jim Lovell and John Jenkins!  Then you’ve got the District Clerk, Carolyn Rains and opponent Sharron Barry, a democrat.  Oh wait, I almost forgot she can’t run because she is the Democratic Party chairman.  Ms. Rains has done a great job and I’m sure she is glad to have no opponent.

We now get to the County Clerk position.  Bridgette Lamb is retiring and I personally hate to see it as she has done a good job.  Her employees, Janice Turner (D) and Gwen Womack (R) have filed for the job.  Terri Meadows (R) has also filed for the job.

In the County Treasurer office it’s sad that Dina Herrera is retiring due to health issues. Brittani Womack (R) has filed for the office as has Janis Omelina (R) and then we have Mildred Robbins (D) who has filed for the office.

My position, JP Pct. 1. is up for reelection and I did file on day one for reelection as a republican.

I’m also announcing, right now to all of you great friends that this is the last time!  I still think if I get in shape that I could play professional baseball or golf.  I can still throw a football 70 yards in the air.

On the other hand, I may want to write the great American novel.

Whatever my fate, the great honor of my life has been the service of my community and country.  I had a typical thrill this past week.  A young couple asked me to marry them because the groom was in the Army and about to deploy.

I entered the courtroom and noticed the young handsome soldier in his Cammie Uniform, squared away and impressive he was.  He greeted me a little nervously and looked at the witness chair next to the Judge’s Chair.  His words were that he had sat there once as a truant and had to face the wrath of Judge Black!  “I decided to never be there again.”

I am so very proud of this young man who has now volunteered to serve his new family, community and country.  If it is important to you, he is a young black man!  If you don’t mind, I’m going to play like I contributed a little to his maturity.  Lord, please keep your patience with us.

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