THE WEEKENDER by Clyde Black: Mellow Fellow

“Mellow Fellow”

 It’s unusual that I’m writing this article during daylight hours.  Usually I write at night after a long day and normally I’m in a bad mood.  I’m feeling mellow right now.  Nobody has yelled at me yet, displayed a bad attitude, asked for money, criticized my work or speech or tried to kill me.  So far it’s been a good day.  I’m enjoying a rare day off and had a cup of coffee on the back porch without my usual cigarette.

I’m trying to quit again and so far it’s been 3 days without the cigarette!

 About a year ago I started smoking again after 3 years without a cigarette.  Something happened or upset me and my response was to go get a smoke!  I know the little buggers are not good for anyone and I started 50 years ago in Vietnam.  Between the Agent Orange, cigarettes and PTSD it’s a wonder I’m still kicking.  If a heavy smoker saved the money he could buy a new car!  It’s just crazy that we keep it up.  I truly feel sorry so those poor souls who are addicted to drugs even more strong than nicotine.

I invite other smokers to quit with me and let me know how you are doing.  If you don’t smoke, don’t start.  That applies to the other stuff also.

 Remember that the Crockett Lions Club is having its annual Chili Supper on Tuesday evening, February 21.  My buddy Chuck Siems is the Chili Master and once again presents the masterpiece everyone waits for all year.  Just $5.00 gets you a great bowl of chili.  Serving starts at 5 p.m. and continues until we run out of chili.  There is some talk that prices may go up next year so come on out to the First Baptist Church fellowship room in Crockett on Tuesday evening.  It’s just off Goliad and you can’t miss it.  Money the club raises is used for scholarships and vision needs in Houston County.  Come visit even if you’re not in the mood for chili.

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