THE WEEKENDER by Clyde Black 1-22
“It’s A Man Thing”
[email protected]
Well, I’ve done it to myself again. I waited longer to go to the doctor than I should have. Why are some of us like that? I’ve been told that it’s a man thing. That we always wait to long to go to the doctor. I had pneumonia two years ago and almost passed because I waited too long to get help. Here I am guilty again. We caught it just in time this year and no hospitalization was required but I’m still under the weather. Thanks again to Dr. Smith and his nurse Kristi.
We’ve been lucky here in our rural utopia to have had professionals like Dr. Frank Smith, Kristi and the other doctors and nurses who have served us for years often in difficult and uncertain times. Many people have worked hard and risked popularity and friends to keep our clinics and hospitals going and I sure admire them for their efforts. When I called for my appointment to see the doctor I was told they were totally booked up. Perhaps they remembered I don’t call unless it’s urgent, they worked me in, got the blood and shortened their lunch to see me. I know this for a fact because they should have been having lunch at the time they were listening to my chest make noises. I’m going to guess that these professionals actually have very few lunches.
By the time you read this article, we will have a new President of the United States. I for one am glad that the change is coming and am hopeful for the future. Trump was not my first choice but I’m pulling for him now. My own personal situation dictates that health care is my number 1 priority.
My household has issues making us ineligible for insurance and not eligible for Obama Care. Yes, we got LIED to! So, you bet I’m hopeful. Perhaps a President Trump will give my Congressman Kevin Brady a little backbone and he’ll start winning a few of those fights he claims he’s been having on my behalf. God Bless our medical professionals and Houston County.