Anderson County ISDs Receive Passing Marks on Accountability Ratings

Part Two: Anderson County
By Will Johnson Messenger Reporter
ANDERSON COUNTY – School districts throughout the State of Texas received their accountability ratings from the Texas Education Association (TEA) for 2016 and the results for the school systems in Anderson County showed positive results.
A press release, dated Aug. 15, from the TEA stated, “The TEA today released the 2016 state accountability ratings for more than 1,200 school districts and charters, as well as more than 8,600 campuses statewide. The ratings reveal that approximately 94 percent of school districts and charters across Texas have achieved the rating of Met Standard. Districts, campuses, and charters receive one of three ratings under the accountability system: Met Standard, Met Alternative Standard, or Improvement Required.”
According to the media release, “The 2016 ratings are based on a system that uses a range of indicators to provide greater detail about the performance of a district or charter and individual campuses throughout the state. The performance index framework includes four areas:
- Student Achievement – Provides a snapshot of performance across all subjects
- Student Progress – Measures year-to-year student progress by subject and student group
- Closing Performance Gaps – Emphasizes the academic achievement of economically disadvantaged students and the lowest performing racial/ethnic student groups
- Postsecondary Readiness – Emphasizes the importance of earning a high school diploma that provides students with the foundation necessary for success in college, the workforce, job training programs or the military
In order to earn a rating of Met Standard or Met Alternative Standard, a campus or district must meet the target on either Index 1 or Index 2 plus meet the targets on Index 3 and Index 4. For the 2015-2016 school year, the number of districts achieving a rating of Met Standard or Met Alternative Standard stayed relatively stable to the previous years.”
The TEA Further indicated, “Campuses that receive an accountability rating of Met Standard are also eligible for distinction designations. Distinction designations are awarded to campuses based on achievement on performance indicators compared to a group of 40 campuses of similar type, size and student demographics. Distinction designations will be publicly released by Sept. 16.”
In Cayuga ISD, the district received a rating of “Met Standard.” The CISD Index One (Student Achievement) target score was 60 and the district received an 83. The CISD Index Two (Student Progress) target score was 22 and the received a 39. The CISD Index Three (Closing Performance Gaps) target score was 28 and the district received a 44. The CISD Index Four (Postsecondary Readiness) target score was 60 and the district received a 70.
The Cayuga High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The CHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a79. The CHS Index Two target score was 17 and the campus received a 43. The CHS Index Three target score was 30 and the campus received a 43. The CHS Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received a 73.
The Middle School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The CMS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 82. The CMS Index Two target score was 30 and the campus received a 30. The CMS Index Three target score was 26 and the campus received a 42. The CMS Index Four target score was 13 and the campus received a 39.
The Cayuga Elementary School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The CES Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 87. The CES Index Two target score was 32 and the campus received a 49. The CES Index Three target score was 28 and the campus received a 45. The CES Index Four target score was 12 and the campus received a 56.
In Elkhart ISD, the district received a rating of “Met Standard.” The EISD Index One target score was 60 and the district received an 83. The EISD Index Two target score was 22 and the district received a 38. The EISD Index Three target score was 28 and the district received a 43. The EISD Index Four target score was 60 and the district received a 74.
The Elkhart High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The EHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 88. The EHS Index Two target score was 17 and the campus received a 26. The EHS Index Three target score was 30 and the campus received a 48. The EHS Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received an 80.
The Elkhart Middle School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The EMS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 77. The EMS Index Two target score was 30 and the campus received a 33. The EMS Index Three target score was 26 and the campus received a 42. The EMS Index Four target score was 13 and the campus received a 38.
The Elkhart Elementary and intermediary Schools were paired campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The EEIS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 86. The EEIS Index Two target score was 32 and the campus received a 51. The EEIS Index Three target score was 28 and the campus received a 50. The EEIS Index Four target score was 12 and the campus received a 48.
In Frankston ISD, the district received a rating of “Met Standard.” The FISD Index One target score was 60 and the district received an 82. The FISD Index Two target score was 22 and the district received a 40. The FISD Index Three target score was 28 and the district received a 42. The FISD Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received a 79.
The Frankston High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The FHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 84. The FHS Index Two target score was 17 and the campus received a 35. The FHS Index Three target score was 30 and the campus received a 45. The FHS Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received an 83.
The Frankston Junior High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The FJHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 82. The FJHS Index Two target score was 30 and the campus received a 39. The FJHS Index Three target score was 26 and the campus received a 44. The FJHS Index Four target score was 13 and the campus received a 44.
The Frankston Elementary School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The FES Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 82. The FES Index Two target score was 32 and the campus received a 49. The FES Index Three target score was 28 and the campus received a 43. The FES Index Four target score was 12 and the campus received a 41.
In Neches ISD, the district received a rating of “Met Standard.” The NISD Index One target score was 60 and the district received a 79. The NISD Index Two target score was 22 and the district received a 42. The NISD Index Three target score was 28 and the district received a 39. The NISD Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received an 80.
The Neches High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The NHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 66. The NHS Index Two target score was 17 and the campus received a 23. The NHS Index Three target score was 30 and the campus received a 35. The NHS Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received an 82.
The Neches Elementary School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The NES Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 83. The NES Index Two target score was 32 and the campus received a 48. The NES Index Three target score was 28 and the campus received a 40. The NES Index Four target score was 12 and the campus received a 49.
The Neches DAEP campus was not rated.
In Palestine ISD, the district received a rating of “Met Standard.” The PISD Index One target score was 60 and the district received a66. The PISD Index Two target score was 22 and the district received a 34. The PISD Index Three target score was 28 and the district received a 34. The PISD Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received a 79.
The Palestine High School campuses received a rating of “Met Standard.” The PHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 72. The PHS Index Two target score was 17 and the campus received a 23. The PHS Index Three target score was 30 and the campus received a 43. The PHS Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received an 83.
The Palestine Junior High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The PJHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 66. The PJHS Index Two target score was 17 and the campus received a 23. The PJGHS Index Three target score was 30 and the campus received a 43. The PJHS Index Four target score was 13 and the campus received a 29.
The PISD Northside Primary and Washington Early Childhood Center campuses were paired together and received a rating of “Met Standard.” The TEA did not score the two campuses.
The PISD Southside Elementary School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The Southside Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 62. The Southside Index Two target score was 32 and the campus received a 38. The Southside Index Three target score was 28 and the campus received a 36. The Southside Index Four target score was 12 and the campus received a 20.
The PISD Story Intermediate School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The Story Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 63. The Story Index Two target score was 32 and the campus received a 36. The Story Index Three target score was 28 and the campus received a 30. The Story Index Four target score was 12 and the campus received a 24.
In Slocum ISD, the district received a rating of “Met Standard.” The SISD Index One target score was 60 and the district received an 81. The SISD Index Two target score was 22 and the district received a 36. The SISD Index Three target score was 28 and the district received a 37. The SISD Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received a 78.
The Slocum High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The SHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 85. The SHS Index Two target score was 17 and the campus received a 32. The SHS Index Three target score was 30 and the campus received a 44. The SHS Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received an 83.
The Slocum Elementary School (PK-8) campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The SES Index One target score was 60 and the campus received an 80. The SES Index Two target score was 32 and the campus received a 37. The SES Index Three target score was 28 and the campus received a 37. The SES Index Four target score was 12 and the campus received a 33.
In Westwood ISD, the district received a rating of “Met Standard.” The WISD Index One target score was 60 and the district received a 67. The WISD Index Two target score was 22 and the district received a 38. The WISD Index Three target score was 28 and the district received a 34. The WISD Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received a 69.
The Westwood High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The WHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 73. The WHS Index Two target score was 17 and the campus received a 26. The WHS Index Three target score was 30 and the campus received a 40. The WHS Index Four target score was 60 and the campus received a 71.
The Westwood Junior High School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The WJHS Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 73. The WJHS Index Two target score was 30 and the campus received a 40. The WJHS Index Three target score was 26 and the campus received a 38. The WJHS Index Four target score was 13 and the campus received a 29.
The Westwood Elementary School campus received a rating of “Met Standard.” The WES Index One target score was 60 and the campus received a 64. The WES Index Two target score was 32 and the campus received a 41. The WES Index Three target score was 28 and the campus received a 32. The WES Index Four target score was 12 and the campus received a 23.
The Westwood Primary School campus was paired with WES and received a rating of “Met Standard,” however it was not scored by the TEA.
Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].