SINCERELY SCOTTY by Walter Scott: Christian


Sometime back I wrote about why we go to church.  Now, I’d like to carry the theme a little further by asking, “Why are you a Christian?”    (Jack Shultz made a comment in Sunday school a while back that got me to thinking about it.)  Obviously, if you are not, the question is moot.  But for the moment, let’s explore some reasons why we claim to be a Christian.

One reason that could be given is “It’s the right thing”, or in modern terms, “It’s the politically correct thing, ” While it’s certainly the right thing, it remains a weak reason.  It doesn’t explain why.

Did you ever listen to a TV evangelist that would shout about being “saved”?  With some, I wanted to be saved from him and his attempt to play on my emotions.  I remember going to some old tent revivals where all the evangelist did was play on one’s emotions.

We’d come out of the service on a real high, but soon enough we would crash back to reality.  And after he or she would leave, everything would be as it was before he arrived.  This, to me, is not the path to true Christianity.  We really only changed our ways for a few days and then all is forgotten.

But one time as a kid, I attended the Billy Graham crusade in Memphis, Tennessee.  It was extremely hot (we were in a large  tent, I think) and I had a fan.  There was a little girl sitting next to me with her mother.

I tried to fan both of us throughout the service.  At the end, during the closing prayer, I held up my hand as one who wanted to know more about being saved and being a Christian.  The girl’s mother thanked me for fanning her daughter and offered to go down to the alter rail with me.  I declined and told her I would do it when I was ready – later I did.  I truly believe Billy Graham changed my life.  He didn’t play on my emotions, he reasoned with me.  He made me understand why I want to be a Christian.  No, I still stumble and make mistakes I regret.  But I still try to do better.  To me, being a Christian is more than simply accepting Christ – It is living it as well!  Carol Wimmer said it best:

When I say…”I am a Christian”

I’m not shouting “I am saved”

I’m whispering “I was lost”

That is why I chose this way.

When I say…”I am a Christian”

I don’t speak of this with pride

I’m confessing that I stumble

And need someone to be my guide.

When I say…”I am a Christian”

I’m not trying to be strong,

I’m professing that I’m weak

And pray for strength to carry on.

When I say…”I am a Christian”

I’m not bragging of success,

I’m admitting I have failed

And cannot ever pay the debt.

When I say…”I am a Christian”

I’m not claiming to be perfect,

My flaws are too visible

But God believes I’m worth it.

When I say…”I am a Christian”

I still feel the sting of pain

I have my share of heartaches

Which is why I seek His name.

When I say…”I am a Christian”

I do not wish to judge.

I have no authority.

I only know I’m loved.

I can only say, “Amen.”



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