Elkhart ISD Tops Out Testing Scores Again
By Teresa Holloway
Messenger Reporter
ELKHART – The State of Texas Academic Assessment Testing (STAAR) results are in and once again, Elkhart has established its ISD as among the highest in the state.
The district students consistently placed highest across the board in all categories, according to Dr. Ray DeSpain.
There are four major classifications for scoring for the Texas Education Agency accountability records: Student Achievement, Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps and Postsecondary Readiness.
“Results of standardized tests, known as the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness, or STAAR, identify Elkhart Schools as “Meeting Standard” in all sixteen of the sixteen scored areas,” DeSpain said.
Various grade levels participate in the testing beginning at the 3rd grade level in the areas of English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies.
At the high school level, those tests are referred to as ‘End of Course’ and must be passed to graduate.
“I am extremely proud of our students and staff for these accomplishments,” DeSpain said. “A great deal of hard work goes into attaining at such a high level of achievement. I have always said that the two keys to earning high scores are teachers preparing students, and students performing. Such was obviously the case again this past school year.”
For the district, Elkhart scored 23 scale score points above the state standards in the area of Student Achievement.
Elkhart High School and Elkhart Intermediate were rated at “exemplary”.
EHS earned “Distinction Designations” from the State of Texas in core subjects; English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies and importantly, in the Closing Performance Gaps and Post Secondary Readiness categories.
Elkhart Middle School earned Distinction Designations in Science and Social Studies, as well as Closing Performance Gaps.
Elkhart Intermediate received the highest attainable number of Distinction Designations awarded, earning Distinction Designations in English Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps, and Postsecondary Readiness.
“These outstanding scores are an indication of our commitment to providing the highest quality education possible for our students. I am equally proud of the fact that we offer a wide range of courses in career and technology ‘certification areas,’ such as welding, nursing, and career preparation fields. We try to extend well-rounded educational opportunities to all students.” added DeSpain.
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