Beasley Sworn-in to Crockett City Council

Angerstein Receives Positive Evaluation

By Will Johnson
Messenger Reporter

CROCKETT – Following some precinct boundary snafus in Crockett, the council seat for Precinct Four was vacant following an April 6 meeting of the Crockett City Council.

Former Council member Rita Rodriguez resigned her council position when it was determined her physical address was in Precinct Five. Roy Simon, one of the two other candidates for the Precinct Four seat up for election was also determined to be ineligible for the position because of his address.

The remaining candidate for the open council position was Marquita Beasley and on Monday, April 16, she was appointed to the city’s governing body.

Following the public forum, a motion was made, seconded and approved in regard to “… filling the vacancy in the office of council member Precinct Four of the city of Crockett by appointing a council member to hold office until the next city general election.”

Next, Beasley was called to the front of the council chambers by Crockett Mayor Joni Clonts and administered the oath of office by City Administrator John Angerstein.

“I, Marquita Beasley, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of city council member, Precinct Four, of the state of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution – and laws of – the United States and of this state, so help me God,” the newest Crockett city council member repeated.

Once the oath of office had been administered, Beasley took her place at the council table with the other council members.

As the meeting continued, Clonts informed the council and members of the audience the discussion and acceptance of the city’s fiscal year 2017 audit was put on hold “… because it is not quite ready.”

The next agenda item pertained to allowing Keegan and Koleson Fields to adopt Terrell Street as part of the city’s adopt-a-street program.

“Mrs. Fields approached me and asked if there was an adopt-a-street program. We do have a program where we are letting people adopt a street.  They live on Terrell Street. As part of this motion, council would authorize the placement of a street sign on their street. Keegan and Koleson Fields are both willing to commit themselves – as citizens of this city – to help with the upkeep of Terrell Street,” Angerstein said.

Once the adopt-a-street resolution was approved, the council retired into executive session to consider Angerstein’s evaluation. When they emerged from behind closed doors – shortly after 7:20 p.m. – Clonts commented on the city administrator’s evaluation.

“It was a very favorable evaluation for our city administrator. May I hear a motion that we accept the evaluation?” the mayor requested.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the evaluation of the city administrator. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m.


Will Johnson may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].

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