Weekly Bible Commentary 3-4

Genesis 29 – “Jacob Meets Rachel”

By Wes Woodard

Jacob journeyed eastward until he came to a well. There was a group of men standing around the well and Jacob asks them where they were from (what is your home town?) They replied Haram.

So Jacob asked them if they knew Laban. They said yes, and that Laban’s daughter was with them to water her father’s sheep. Jacob then rolled the stone off of the top of the well so all of the sheep could be watered. In verse 10 it says, “When Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban, his mother’s brother, he kissed Rachel and wept.”

He told her he was a relative of her father, the son of his sister.

She runs home and tells her father, Laban. He comes to the well and they exchange greetings.  Laban and Jacob make a deal.  Jacob will work for Laban for seven years for Rachel to be his wife.

Verse 20, “So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days because of his love for her.” N.A.S.V.

I just heard this morning (Monday) that Billy Graham’s body will lie in state in the Rotunda of the Capitol in Washington D.C.  Wow! What an honor to him and our nation. Praise the Lord for our new President!

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