THE WEEKENDER: Blame the Shooter

By Clyde Black

Over 20 years ago I started writing The Weekender for a little fun as a newcomer to Houston County. I’ve poked a lot of fun at myself and occasionally have stepped out there with some serious political thought. Of course nobody listens and I certainly haven’t moved any mountains. Because of the turmoil following the Florida school shootings I feel compelled to get serious. None of the folks I know here in East Texas are interested in listening to another talking head with no experience or knowledge on the subject. Over the next few weeks I intend to present ideas to reduce these incidents. I have a resume that is too long to report here but briefly note: 1) 50 years of law enforcement training and experience. 2) BS degree in Criminal Justice. 3) Crime Prevention Specialist. 4) Hundreds of hours of training in family violence, juvenile justice, sociology. 5) 12 years as a Justice of the Peace with hundreds of truancy cases and family violence cases. There is much more but you get the idea.

I’ve been home recovering from surgery while all this turmoil occurred and recently wrote my State Representative with some working notes on the subject. I intend to put them here in this column hoping someone will pick up on an idea or two to help prevent these incidents. People need things concise and brief or they lose interest. I’ve broken my thoughts and targets for improvement into five areas.

Before any of the ideas can be discussed I must insist that all the talking heads quit trying to BLAME someone. It is only the fault of the person who pulled the trigger! Before any of the folks on any side of the issue get together to get anything done all must recognize that the FBI did not commit this crime, police did not commit this crime, the NRA did not commit this crime, legislators and President Trump did not commit this crime. A societal deviant named Cruz is where the fault lies.

I’m probably starting to run out of space for this article so let me say that my first item for discussion will be the role of society and its responsibility for these acts. With rare exception all criminal justice professionals are taught that there are generally 3 institutions in the system. The legislators who make laws, the law enforcement groups (cops) then the judicial and punishment (prison) group. Keep in mind I’m being brief here. I submit to you that society itself is part of the Criminal Justice System. It is this fourth part of the system that I will address next week. Family values, personal responsibility, consequences of our actions, community involvement and political correctness will be addressed. Don’t despair or get bored too soon. School, law enforcement, legislators and gun control will be addressed in coming weeks. Help us Lord. Without you in our hearts we are doomed to failure.

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