Weekly Bible Commentary by Wes Woodard: Daniel 7 – “Thankful to be an American!”

In Daniel chapter seven Daniel saw a vision.  In the vision four ferocious animals came out of the sea. The first was a lion with wings and represents the Babylonian Empire. The second was a lopsided bear that represents the Medo-Persian Empire. The third was a leopard with wings and represents Alexander the Great.  And, the fourth was dreadful with large iron teeth and it trampled down the others with its feet.  This was the Roman Empire.  At the end of the vision there is a man who makes great boasts. He represents the Anti-Christ who will arise at the end of time.  Daniel saw the dominion of all these world empires taken away, and the Anti-Christ destroyed by burning fire.

 The main point I see is that all the world empires of the past have been detrimental to mankind.  America was started as a great experiment.  It would be a country governed by the people with liberty and justice for all.  This was a type of government that had never existed before on the earth.  Our currency and coinage has “In God We Trust” on it.  We trust that God will preserve our high standards in the days to come. Amen.

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